Well hello there friends! Yesterday was my first "OFFICIAL" paper cut...I got it while printing off our home study that we had for Sugar. I printed it off to make the necessary changes I need to so that we could resubmit it to our social worker. This morning I made some changes and added some important info then off to my social workers tonight to put it in her mailbox!!! So we have officially started to paper chase for our son! We will be requesting a boy up to the age of 4 from the Waiting Child Program. We are soooooo ready!
Sugar is looking forward to having a little brother and it will be so exciting having the two of them growing up together sharing memories. My older daughter will love to have a little brother too! Not to mention our grandbutton! Holidays will certainly be milestones to remember around our kitchen table for years to come.
We knew pretty much right away we would adopt again if the Lord put it on our hearts. I know He did a work in both my husband and I and we are over the moon excited to add to our family. So buckle up and enjoy the paper roller coaster ride. Watch your fingers.,..the paper is sharp!

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