
Building a paper castle of red tape one paper cut at a time as we find our way to our Asian prince.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Homestudy Update

Yesterday morning we had our first home study update meeting, I'd taken our previous study and wrote out all the things that had changed since we did it last so she only really had to ask the usual necessary questions. She was very supportive and pretty much said that other than collecting the necessary paperwork and delivering it to her that we would only need to meet again when we go over the changes. At the end of our session she asked if we had any questions and it has been so long (2005) since we did this end of the paperwork I had to ask how long it would take and where does it go next. She said she would have it ready by mid October (My birthday is mid October! What a perfect gift!) then she would send it to the provincial adoption Co. and they will call to meet with us, then they forward our dossier to our agency to be translated, they will then send it back to the province and then the province sends it to China. We wait for a LID then, with the Waiting Child program our agency will be ready to match us! I called our agency yesterday and they are saying it's possibly to have a referral by Christmas for our little Asian prince! However they said travel is estimated 3-5 months leaning mostly on the 4-5 months. So with that said we can hope at the latest we will travel in May! That makes us VERY happy! Things are looking bright on the horizon!

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