
Building a paper castle of red tape one paper cut at a time as we find our way to our Asian prince.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

and the snags begin....

The rollercoaster is taking a dip...hang on it's only temporary!

Dear hubby's passport went threw the wash over a year ago, (funny China accepted it last September...) he got a call from the Passport office saying they will not renew it because of the shape it's in......AAAAAAAHHHHHKKKK! So they are sending it back and asking him to reapply from the beginning. Which means a different passport number which means more paper cuts as I thumb threw alllllll the paper I filled out with his passport number on them!!! THANK Heavens I didn't start the citizenship packet yet! So....I'm not sure how long that will take for him to get his new one. Still waiting for mine and daughter's to be sent back to us.

Then....if that wasn't enough I went in to have my venerable persons check done and they called the next day to tell me there is someone else in the system with a similar name as mine and they will want to fingerprint me and send it off. This is a new process they started only a month ago the lady was telling me and she said it may take 3 weeks or more but that it would more than likely be longer....ugggg. Praying everything mysteriously gets expedited.

This Monday coming I go for my physical. So I'll have that for filled out and that will be another piece of the paper castle. Hubby gets his done the following week.

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